Above all things timeless and comfy pieces are always my favorite! Aren’t stripes & denim a great classic look? It never gets old, they’re easy to pair and this combo works for any season. For this outfit I’m wearing a summer look combined with loyal accessories like my leather shoes from Aysen Shoes, this Coach Camel backpack and great quality pieces from Madewell. Madewell designs are just fabulous! They bring the essence of the 70’s with effortless, timeless feminine and trendy garments that will never be out of style. Their aesthetics remind me of Jane Birkin, stunning fashion icon from that era that pulled the best day-to-day outfits which are an inspiration for many of us until today. Below you can shop my outfit, a few of them are currently on sale! 😉 Have an amazing week beautiful people! xx, Mila
Photographer: Elaine Torres (website)