Starting point, sketch of my idea. Screen printing is a very simple process. The screen, a wooden frame with special fabric (organza or mousseline) stretched and secured over it, is used to hold the stencil in place and control the ink deposit. I printed the image. The crosses on the edges are to indicate the position of the print. I  copied the same image to a mica paper then I had to cut the figure.



Now the fun begins! But it has to be very precise.


This is the following process. Put the mica paper onto the t-shirt and then the frame, add Ink in the screen’s interior. Grab a squeegee and slide the paint on the figure. Leave it for a few seconds and then Voalà! Print is done!. I added sequins for the touch.


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  • mayra

    🙂 los marcos con muselina, ya listos para usar, los venden cierto?

  • Mila_Junge

    Los venden aquí en USA, pero no los he visto en Chile. Yo hice un marco alla y lo pegué yo misma. La ventaja de ello es que puedes hacerlo a la medida que quieres, toma un poco más de tiempo, pero el resultado es el mismo 🙂