Lately many of us have had a nostalgia for the past and the vintage style, and the prolonged existence of garments, the dedication for details, the representation of an age and the appreciation of a unique product that may not be reproduced in time.
I`m telling you this because recently I discovered a brand named Seven Heavens created by the chilean fashion designer Natalie Arama, who reuses pieces and recreates unique garments. Natalie tells us her creative phase “I select items that have great potential, putting pieces apart and then I sew them again. Here is when I stamp my trademark, handmade details, re-estructuring shapes and varying the colors. Each garment is inimitable and unique”.
After working years in retail she launches her brand Seven Heavens, that combines her love for recycling, re-desiging and restoring vintage clothing. Natalie`s style is eclectic / harmonious, bohemian, rocker and grunge. I loved her collection and production, excellent concept and aesthetic.
Great information for the coolhunters. Online store and home shipping: